Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Windows 8.1 Tip: Move the Location of the SkyDrive Folder


Relax, this one's easy

Sep. 10, 2013 Paul Thurrott Tags: ,,,
While most agree that the further integration of SkyDrive into Windows 8.1 is a good thing, some have been griping that there's no way to change the location of the SkyDrive folder. But it turns out you can very easily change where your SkyDrive files sync. You just need to know the secret.

As a recap, Microsoft has integrated SkyDrive more deeply than ever in Windows 8.1. As I wrote previously in Hands-On with Windows 8.1: SkyDrive Integration, SkyDrive file sync is on by default and can be managed from a new PC Settings-based interface. No separately installable app is required.

But there is a downside to this integration. With the previous solution, the SkyDrive desktop app, you could configure where SkyDrive synced its files. On modern PC devices with relatively small amounts of solid state storage, the inability to do so in Windows 8.1 can be an issue. Before, you could tell SkyDrive to sync to micro-SD storage or some other location.

But it turns out you can do this in Windows 8.1, too. You just can't do it from that shiny new PC Settings interface.

Instead, you can configure this from the good old Windows desktop. In the default This PC view, right-click on SkyDrive in the navigation pane and select Properties. Then, navigate to the Location tab. Yep, this is the place.

To change the location where SkyDrive syncs its files, simply click the Move button and choose a new location. It's that simple.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Windows 8.1 + ModernMix

Stardock helps make our transition to the mobile future a lot easier


Paul Thurrott

Aug. 18, 2013

Ever since Microsoft released the Windows 8.1 Preview back in June, readers have asked me whether Stardock’s useful utilities like ModernMix and Start8 will work with the new OS version. With the recent leak of a near final Windows 8.1 build, I decided to test ModernMix on my daily-use PC. And I think this is going to be a very useful transition tool indeed.

I think it’s fair to say that Windows 8 has presented a certain challenge to many if not most of the 1.5 billion Windows users worldwide. The cause is obvious: Windows 8 is a “touch-first” version of Windows that ships with its first-ever mobile environment, originally called Metro. And this new Metro environment was unceremoniously and awkwardly tacked onto the classic Windows desktop. The result is a disjointed experience that is optimized for neither touch nor mouse and keyboard.

Enter Windows 8.1. This very major update to Windows 8 (and RT) provides users with the OS that Microsoft should have shipped originally. Windows 8.1 includes major improvements to both the Metro and desktop environments, making this system a far better fit for those users that prefer either. It also eases the transition between the two, which is important because Windows will be moving further down that mobile path in future releases as the desktop is deemphasized and then made optional or removed.

Depending on your mindset, that future is either dystopian or utopian, but let’s not get bogged down in things we can’t change today. For now, we have Windows 8, imperfect as it is, and Windows 8.1, which finally offers some apps—like the improved Mail, Calendar and Xbox Music, among others—that are good enough that even desktop users should start paying attention. But doing so on traditional (non-touch) PCs is still a bit awkward, despite the useful advances in Windows 8.1

Enter Stardock. This Michigan-based firm has been around for over 20 years and been developing useful Windows-based utilities for years. With the advent of Windows 8, Stardock has stepped up to the plate and released a series of very useful products that help ease the transition to Windows 8 and make this less-than-optimal system work the way Windows users expect.

I’ve written about a few Stardock utilities in the recent past, including ModernMix (Windows 8 Tip: Run Metro Apps in Windows on the Desktop) and Start8 (Windows 8 Tip: Boot Directly to the Desktop with Start8) and recommend both highly. But now that I am using a near-final version of Windows 8.1, I find myself curious about using some of those new app versions at home, on my desktop set up (which is currently a jury-rigged Surface Pro docked to a large desktop display, keyboard, mouse and other peripherals, but is normally a tower PC). The thing is, these full-screen apps, good as they are, still don’t work well on such a PC configuration.

So I’ve been using ModernMix to see whether this utility can help cross that final divide between the future (mobile apps) and the present (my desktop PC with keyboard and mouse). And though there are a few bugs that I attribute to the pre-release nature of Windows 8.1, the answer is … yes. Most definitely.

New Windows 8.1 apps running in windows on the desktop

ModernMix provides what I think is a better “mix” (hence the name, presumably) of mobile apps and desktop. It lets you run Windows mobile apps (Mail, Calendar, Xbox Music, etc.) in windows on the Windows desktop, just like real desktop applications. This means they can float, be resized, be pinned to the taskbar, and so on.

What’s interesting is that ModernMix is so mature that it’s smart about how these apps work. I’ve pinned Xbox Music to the desktop, for example, and when I launch it from there it runs in a window as I want. But if I launch the app from the Start screen—which I might do when out and about in the world with the Surface, now used as a tablet—it will run normally, in full-screen mode. Which is also what I want.

This dual-mode use is why ModernMix is so useful as a transition tool. Yes, if you’re just going to use Metro apps on a desktop PC, you may simply want them to run in a window. But if you’re transitioning to this mobile future, not just through software but with a hybrid mobile device like a Surface, Lenovo Yoga, or whatever, you can have it both ways.

Choice is good. And while I applaud the changes Microsoft has made in Windows 8.1, some people will always believe that they’ll never go far enough. For those, and for any user that simply wants an easier transition from the desktop systems they’ve spent over 15 years using, ModernMix is a great (and, at $4.99, inexpensive) option.

You can download Modernmix from the Stardock web site.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Ten Immutable Laws Of Security


The 10 Immutable Laws

Law #1: If a bad guy can persuade you to run his program on your computer, it's not solely your computer anymore.
Law #2: If a bad guy can alter the operating system on your computer, it's not your computer anymore.
Law #3: If a bad guy has unrestricted physical access to your computer, it's not your computer anymore.
Law #4: If you allow a bad guy to run active content in your website, it's not your website any more.
Law #5: Weak passwords trump strong security.
Law #6: A computer is only as secure as the administrator is trustworthy.
Law #7: Encrypted data is only as secure as its decryption key.
Law #8: An out-of-date antimalware scanner is only marginally better than no scanner at all.
Law #9: Absolute anonymity isn't practically achievable, online or offline.
Law #10: Technology is not a panacea.

Law #1:If a bad guy can persuade you to run his program on your computer, it's not solely your computer anymore

It's an unfortunate fact of computer science: when a computer program runs, it will do what it's programmed to do, even if it's programmed to be harmful. When you choose to run a program, you are making a decision to turn over a certain level of control of your computer to it -- often  anything up to the limits of what you yourself can do on the computer (and sometimes beyond). It could monitor your keystrokes and send them to criminals eager for the information. It could open every document on the computer, and change the word "will" to "won't" in all of them. It could send rude emails to all your friends. It could install a virus. It could create a "back door" that lets someone remotely control your computer. It could relay a bad guy’s attack on someone else’s computers. Or it could just reformat your hard drive.

That's why it's important never to run a program from an untrusted source, and to limit the ability of others to make that decision for you on your computer. There's a nice analogy between running a program and eating a sandwich. If a stranger walked up to you and handed you a sandwich, would you eat it? Probably not. How about if your best friend gave you a sandwich? Maybe you would, maybe you wouldn't—it depends on whether she made it or found it lying in the street. Apply the same critical thought to a program that you would to a sandwich, and you'll usually be safe.

Law #2: If a bad guy can alter the operating system on your computer, it's not your computer anymore

In the end, an operating system is just a series of ones and zeroes that, when interpreted by the processor, cause the computer to do certain things. Change the ones and zeroes, and it will do something different. Where are the ones and zeroes stored? On the computer, right along with everything else! They're just files, and if other people who use the computer are permitted to change those files, it's "game over.”

To understand why, consider that operating system files are among the most trusted ones on the computer, and they generally run with system-level privileges. That is, they can do absolutely anything. Among other things, they're trusted to manage user accounts, handle password changes, and enforce the rules governing who can do what on the computer. If a bad guy can change them, the now-untrustworthy files will do his bidding, and there's no limit to what he can do. He can steal passwords, make himself an administrator on the computer, or add entirely new functions to the operating system. To prevent this type of attack, make sure that the system files (and the registry, for that matter) are well protected. In modern operating systems, default settings largely prevent anyone but administrators from making such bedrock changes. Preventing rogue programs from gaining administrative-level access is the best way of protecting the operating system. That’s best accomplished by not operating your computer from an account with administrative privileges except when specific tasks make it absolutely necessary – and logging out of that high-privilege mode as quickly as possible once your task is complete.   Home users should consider creating an “everyday” account set to operate with standard-level user permissions. On those relatively rare occasions when you really do need to make big changes, you can log into the administrative account, do whatever needs to be done, and switch back to the safer account when you’re finished.

Law #3: If a bad guy has unrestricted physical access to your computer, it's not your computer anymore

Oh, the things a bad guy can do if he can lay his hands on your computer! Here's a sampling, going from Stone Age to Space Age:

  • He could mount the ultimate low-tech denial of service attack, and smash your computer with a sledgehammer.
  • He could unplug the computer, haul it out of your building, and hold it for ransom.
  • He could boot the computer from removable media, and reformat your hard drive. But wait, you say, I've configured the BIOS on my computer to prompt for a password when I turn the power on. No problem – if he can open the case and get his hands on the system hardware, he could just replace the BIOS chip. (Actually, there are even easier ways).
  • He could remove the hard drive from your computer, install it into his computer, and read any unencrypted data.
  • He could duplicate your hard drive and take it back to his lair. Once there, he'd have all the time in the world to conduct brute-force attacks, such as trying every possible logon or decryption password. Programs are available to automate this and, given enough time, it's almost certain that he would succeed. Once that happens, Laws #1 and #2 above apply.
  • He could add a recording device or transmitter to your keyboard, then monitor everything you type including your passwords.

Always make sure that a computer is physically protected in a way that's consistent with its value—and remember that the value of a computer includes not just the value of the hardware itself, but the value of the data on it, and the value of the access to your network that a bad guy could gain. At a minimum, business-critical computers such as domain controllers, database servers, and print/file servers should always be in a locked room that only people charged with administration and maintenance can access. But you may want to consider protecting other computers as well, and potentially using additional measures to guard their physical integrity.

If you travel with a laptop or other portable computer, it's absolutely critical that you protect it. The same features that make them great to travel with – small size, light weight, and so forth – also make them easy to steal. There are a variety of locks and alarms available for laptops, some models let you remove the hard drive and carry it with you, and almost all can be used with extremely small, extremely portable storage – e.g. USB thumb drives – for storing your data while you travel. You also can use features such as drive encryption available in most modern operating systems to mitigate the damage if someone succeeded in stealing the computer, or to retain some confidence in its protection if it’s taken from you in an unexpected bag check or unfriendly border crossing. If the computer walks off or is lost, you’ll still need to address the loss of the hardware, but it’ll be harder for your data to be disclosed without your knowledge. But the only way you can know with 100% certainty that your data is safe and the hardware hasn't been tampered with, is to keep them on your person at all times while traveling.

Law #4: If you allow a bad guy to run active content on your website or online application, it's not your website any more

In Law #1, a bad guy tricks you into downloading a harmful program and running it, giving him control over your computer and its data – at least as much control as you had. But what about the reverse: if he can upload active content – programs, scripts, or even documents and pictures designed to crash peoples’ computers in specific ways – and have them served from your website or online application?  Your site becomes his platform for reaching out to capture data from site visitors or harm their computers, or reaching inward towards other systems that support your site. 

If you run a website or hosted applications, you need to limit what visitors can do. Some sites provide an open forum for people to upload and distribute software, code or configurations – and that’s fine as long as visitors understand Law #1 and the risks that come along with their downloads. But if the bad guy’s uploaded programs actually run on your server or in the browser of visitors, he effectively own your site and can impersonate you.  Worse, the bad guy could gain your rights to the underlying systems, and might find a way to extend his control to the servers, data storage or network itself.  If your site is on shared infrastructure or a cloud-based service, this can put other sites and data at risk, and potentially create interesting liabilities for yourself and other people.

A properly administered site host or cloud service will have taken many of these risks into account and will disallow scripts or programs uploaded to the service from affecting other accounts that happen to share the same resources. Just the same, you should only allow a program to run on your site or as part of your application if you wrote it yourself or if you trust the developer who wrote it, and make sure your operations and maintenance processes don’t run afoul of the host administrator’s security policies.

Law #5: Weak passwords trump strong security

The purpose of having a logon process is to establish who you are. Once the operating system knows who you are, it can grant or deny requests for system resources appropriately. If a bad guy learns your password, he can log on as you. In fact, as far as the operating system is concerned, he is you. Whatever you can do on the system, he can do as well, because he is you. Maybe he wants to read sensitive information you've stored on your computer, like your e-mail. Maybe you have more privileges on the network than he does, and being you will let him do things he normally couldn't. Or maybe he just wants to do something malicious and blame it on you. In any case, it's worth protecting your credentials.

Always use a password on your computer—it's amazing how many accounts have blank passwords. And develop a complex one. Don't use your dog's name, your anniversary date, the name of the local football team, or QWERTY / 12345 / other basic keyboard patterns – and avoid using single “dictionary words” (that is, words that can be looked up in the dictionary). And don't use the word "password!" Build a password that has a mix of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and so forth. Make it as long as possible; consider using two words in combination. (If you speak multiple languages, you might choose to mix tongues in your password for extra complexity.) And change it often.

Once you've picked a strong password, handle it appropriately. Don't write it down. If you absolutely must write it down, at the very least keep it in a safe, a locked drawer, or perhaps deep in your wallet—the first thing a bad guy who's hunting for passwords will do is check for a yellow sticky note on the side of your screen, or in the top desk drawer. Don't tell anyone what your password is, and don’t ask for theirs. Managers, kids, and even IT helpdesk staff should rarely if ever ask for your password. Modern operating systems and programs allow you to give other people permission to see and use your files, without giving out your password so they can impersonate you.  Remember what Ben Franklin said: two people can keep a secret, but only if one of them is dead.

If you have accounts for multiple computers and online services, you’ll need to balance requirements for unique and strong passwords, yet limit how many passwords you have to remember. For accounts that give access to your most critical information – financial accounts, regulated personal data, sensitive work access, and primary email accounts to name a few – use a unique password for each one, and follow their access management policies.  If you’re awash in multiple accounts that gather little personal information and have low value if lost, such as news sites that require free registration, consider developing one reasonably strong password and reusing it for most or all of them.

Finally, consider using something stronger than – and in addition to – passwords to identify yourself to the system. Windows, for instance, supports the use of smart cards, which significantly strengthens the account checking the system can perform. You may also want to consider biometric products such as fingerprint and retina scanners. “Two-factor authentication” of this sort incorporates not only something you know (your password) but something you own (a card) or even something you are (a person with your unique fingerprint or retina) – dramatically increasing authentication strength.

Law #6: A computer is only as secure as the administrator is trustworthy

Every computer must have an administrator: someone who can install software, configure the operating system, add and manage user accounts, establish security policies, and handle all the other management tasks associated with keeping a computer up and running. By definition, these tasks require that the individual have control over the computer. This puts the administrator in a position of unequalled power. An untrustworthy administrator can negate every other security measure you've taken. He can change the permissions on the computer, modify the system security policies, install malicious software, add bogus users, or do any of a million other things. He can subvert virtually any protective measure in the operating system, because he controls it. Worst of all, he can cover his tracks. If you have an untrustworthy administrator, you have absolutely no security.

When hiring a system administrator, recognize the position of trust that administrators occupy, and only hire people who warrant that trust. Call his references, and ask them about his previous work record, especially with regard to any security incidents at previous employers. If appropriate for your organization, you may also consider taking a step that banks and other security-conscious companies do, and require that your administrators pass a complete background check at hiring time, and at periodic intervals afterward. Whatever criteria you select, apply them across the board. Don't give anyone administrative privileges on your network unless they've been vetted – and this includes temporary employees and contractors.

Next, take steps to help keep honest people honest. Use sign-in/sign-out sheets or log access badge swipes to track who's been in the server room. (You do have a server room with a locked door, right? If not, re-read Law #3). Implement a "two person" rule when installing or upgrading software. Diversify management tasks as much as possible, as a way of minimizing how much power any one administrator has. Also, don't use the Administrator account—instead, give each administrator a separate account with administrative privileges, so you can tell who's doing what. Many industries require audit logs documenting all activities on covered business systems; audit trails can’t stop rogue admins from running amok, but they can record who did what if a problem is discovered later, and enforce a sense of individual accountability.  Finally, consider taking steps to make it more difficult for a rogue administrator to cover his tracks. For instance, store audit data on write-only media, or house System A's audit data on System B, and make sure that the two systems have different administrators. The more accountable your administrators are, the less likely you are to have problems.

Law #7: Encrypted data is only as secure as its decryption key

Suppose you installed the biggest, strongest, most secure lock in the world on your front door, but you put the key under the front door mat. It wouldn't really matter how strong the lock is, would it? The critical factor would be the weak way the key was protected, because if a burglar could find it, he'd have everything he needed to open the lock. Encrypted data works the same way—no matter how strong the crypto algorithm is, the data is only as safe as the key that can decrypt it.

Many operating systems and cryptographic software products give you an option to store cryptographic keys on the computer. The advantage is convenience – you don't have to handle the key – but it comes at the cost of security.  Simply put, no matter how well the keys are hidden on the system, the software has to be able to find them – and if it can, so can a sufficiently motivated bad guy.

A better solution is to store them in a protected repository.  For instance, the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chip that’s present on most computers is designed to strongly protect cryptographic keys, and release them only when a PIN is entered.  Smart cards provide similar protection, and their portability means that you can also physically separate them from the computer.  But the best “protected repository” is your brain – if the key is a word or phrase, memorize it.   

Law #8: An out-of-date malware scanner is only marginally better than no malware scanner at all

Antimalware scanners work by comparing the data on your computer against a collection of malware "signatures." Each signature is characteristic of a particular malware family, and when the scanner finds data in a file, email or elsewhere that matches the signature, it concludes that it's found trouble. It's vital that you keep your malware scanner's signature file up-to-date, as new malware is created every day.

The problem actually goes a bit deeper than this, though. Typically, malware will do the greatest amount of damage during the early stages of its life, precisely because antimalware programs will not be able to detect it, let alone remove it. Once word gets around that new malware is on the loose and people update their signatures, the propagation of the problem falls off as protections spread through the ecosystem. The key is to get ahead of the curve, and have updated signature files on your computer before the malware reaches your machine.

Virtually every maker of antimalware software provides a way to get free updated signature files from their website or from a dedicated update service. In fact, many have "push" services, in which they'll send notification every time a new signature file is released – several times a day, if necessary. Use these services. Also, keep the malware scanner itself—that is, the scanning software that uses the signature files—updated as well. Malware writers regularly develop new techniques and variations that require that scanners change how they do their work.

Law #9: Absolute anonymity isn't practically achievable, online or offline

All human interaction involves exchanging data of some kind. If someone weaves enough of that data together, they can identify you. Think about all the information that a person can glean in just a short conversation with you: In one glance, they can gauge your height, weight, and approximate age. Your accent will probably tell them what country you're from, and may even tell them what region of the country. If you talk about anything other than the weather, you'll probably tell them something about your family, your interests, where you live, and what you do for a living. It doesn't take long for someone to collect enough information to figure out who you are. If you use any payment system other than cash or any transportation other than your own two feet, you leave a trail of data breadcrumbs that can be used to reconstruct a personally identifiable “portrait” of you with remarkable accuracy. If you crave absolute anonymity, your best bet is to live in a cave and shun all human contact.

The same thing is true of the Internet. If you visit a website, the owner can, if he's sufficiently motivated, find out who you are. After all, the ones and zeroes that make up the Web session have to be able to find their way to the right place, and that place is your computer. There are a lot of measures you can take to disguise the bits, and the more of them you use, the more thoroughly the bits will be disguised. For instance, you could use network address translation to mask your actual IP address, subscribe to an anonymizing service that launders bits by relaying them from one end of the ether to the other, use a different ISP account for different purposes, surf certain sites only from public kiosks, and so on. All of these make it more difficult to determine who you are, but none of them make it impossible. Do you know for certain who operates the anonymizing service? Maybe it's the same person who owns the website you just visited! Or what about that innocuous website you visited yesterday, that offered to mail you a free $10 off coupon? Maybe the owner is willing to share information with other website owners. If so, the second website owner may be able to correlate the information from the two sites and determine who you are. And anonymity is even less achievable when you factor in location data, which is gathered perpetually by mobile phones and often enough by Web sites, mapping your machine’s IP address to a real-world location with pretty decent accuracy.

Does this mean that privacy is a lost cause? Not at all. Governments along with public and private entities continue to wrestle with how best to balance the need for personal data privacy with other concerns. What it means is that the best way for you to protect your privacy on the Internet is the same as the way you protect your privacy in normal life—through your behavior. Read the privacy statements on the websites you visit, and only do business with those whose data-sharing practices you understand and agree with. If sites you visit allow you to determine how and with whom information about you will be shared, learn how to adjust those settings and check yours regularly. If you're worried about cookies, disable them. Most importantly, remember that information shared by or about you online is only as safe as the least protective, least enforced privacy policies and settings with which it comes into contact. But if it's complete and total anonymity you want, better start looking for that cave.

Law #10: Technology is not a panacea

Technology can do some amazing things. Recent years have seen the development of ever-cheaper and more powerful hardware, software that harnesses that hardware to open new vistas for computer users, and services that change our expectations for both, as well as advancements in cryptography and other sciences. It's tempting to believe that technology can deliver a risk-free world if we just work hard enough. However, this is simply not realistic.

Perfect security requires a level of perfection that simply doesn't exist, and in fact isn't likely to ever exist. This is true for software as well as virtually all fields of human interest. Software development is an imperfect science, and all software has bugs. Some of them can be exploited to cause security breaches. That's just a fact of life. But even if software could be made perfect, it wouldn't solve the problem entirely. Most attacks involve, to one degree or another, some manipulation of human nature, a process usually referred to as social engineering. Raise the cost and difficulty of attacking security technology, and bad guys respond by shifting their focus away from the technology and toward the human being at the console. It's vital that you understand your role in maintaining solid security, or you could become the chink in your own systems' armor.

The solution is to recognize two essential points. First, security consists of both technology and policy—that is, it's the combination of the technology and how it's used that ultimately determines how secure your systems are. Second, security is a journey, not a destination—it isn't a problem that can be "solved" once and for all, but a constant series of moves and countermoves between the good guys and the bad guys. The key is to ensure that you have good security awareness and exercise sound judgment. There are resources available to help you do this. The Technet website, for instance, has hundreds of white papers, best practices guides, checklists and tools, and we're developing more all the time. Combine great technology with sound judgment, and you'll have more effective security.

Friday, August 2, 2013

How to Fix a Cracked Touch Screen Phone

August 1 2013 Tags: ,,,
Even if you're super-careful with your phone, accidents happen. Sometimes that beautiful touchscreen phone takes a fall and the glass cracks.

Today, we'll show you how to remove the glass from a touchscreen phone (in this case, a Samsung Galaxy S3), then apply a new piece of glass on it. We are not removing the actual display or digitizer. A digitizer is what actually recognizes your inputs. Burke McQuinn came by to show us how he repaired his cracked Galaxy S3. He consulted the forums at XDA Developers to provide a guide.


You will need a replacement piece of glass, goggles, a heat source, a prying tool, microfiber cloth, some tape, and time.

You can find a replacement piece of glass on Amazon. You can even get kits that include prying tools. Example kits: ProKit for Galaxy S3 |Replacement Glass Kit by NewerStone.

Before You Start

Before you begin taking apart your phone, back up the phone if you can in case you damage the phone. After that, take out the battery and MicroSD card if you have one installed.

Removing the Glass

To remove the glass, we will use a heat gun to melt the glue that affixes the glass to the digitizer and then pry off the glass.

For our heat source, we used a heat gun. You can probably get away with using a hair dryer if you don't have one. We checked on the temperature of the glass periodically using a thermometer and tried to keep the temperature around 200 degrees Fahrenheit (roughly 93 degrees Celsius).

From there we pried the glass away from the digitizer using a prying tool in the corner of the S3. The one we used is called iSesamo, which is a metal prying tool. This can cause more scratching of your device if you're not careful. You can opt to use a plastic prying device like theoOpener.

Burke then heated around the border of the glass prying up each part slowly and keeping the glass away from the digitizer using plastic razor blades.

Use caution when removing the glass from the bottom of the device where the home button is. There is a small ribbon that flanks the home button. It controls the two capacitive buttons on the Galaxy S3. You don't want to damage that.

Replacing the Glass

Once the glass is removed, you'll want to clean off the digitizer of any excess glue. Burke wore latex gloves used painter's tape to remove any dust and remnants of broken glass on the screen. You could use a microfiber cloth to clean off the screen before you replace the glass. You want the screen as clean as possible, but don't damage it with too much pressure.

Burke applied the glass from the bottom of the device, carefully placing the ribbon under the glass. Then he heated the new glass to affix the glass to the device. Then you just have to let the phone cool off before you use it.

Test Your Results

Once your phone is cooled off, reinstall your battery and test out your handiwork. With the new glass, Burke's phone worked flawlessly.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Windows 8.1 Preview available for download 6/26/2013

Microsoft is making Windows 8.1 public preview available for download from the app store on June 26th. But you just might want to reconsider hitting that download button just yet.
If you download and install the preview, when the final version releases, you will have to reinstall all of your apps on your device. So if you have a large number of apps installed, you may just want to wait for the final version to be released.
But there are some nice features being (re)introduced in Windows 8.1, like the return of the “start button”, boot to desktop, IE11, and Outlook for Windows RT. I have also heard a report from Mary Jo Foley, stating that a new version of Visual Studio will also be available as part of the Windows 8.1 upgrade.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Surface RT + Outlook 2013 RT … + More?

Paul Thurrott 6/18/2013

Starting next week, overeager Windows RT users will be able to install a preview version of the Windows 8.1 update, which includes, among other things, the long-awaited release of Outlook 2013 RT. This addition, in tandem with the Office 2013 Home & Student RT version that already free with Windows RT, provides consumer with an amazingly complete and completely free Office experience.

But wait, there’s more.

As I noted in Microsoft Outlook 2013 RT Sneak Peek two weeks ago, prerelease versions of Outlook RT actually shipped as part of a broader Office 15 installer that includes other Office apps recompiled for Windows RT. So it’s possible that Microsoft could expand beyond Outlook RT in the future, too, possibly offering additional Office applications to Windows RT users for a fee, or as a coming perk to Office 365.

So here’s the weird bit about the other Office 2013 applications that are available internally at Microsoft for Windows RT: According to the installer, it’s a full Office install, with Access, Excel, InfoPath, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, SharePoint Designer, SkyDrive Pro, Visio, and Word.

But after Setup is complete, you see only a subset of that installed. Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint and Word are there already, of course. And then Outlook. But you also get InfoPath, SkyDrive Pro, Publisher, and SharePoint Designer 2013. (Put another way, Access and Visio are in fact not part of the actual install.)

As for Outlook RT itself, sometimes you wait and wait for something and the anticipation starts to outweigh the significance of that thing. And so it is with Outlook 2013 RT. It looks exactly as you’d expect. It works exactly as you’d expect, except that I couldn’t get it to work with any add-ins from the Office store. I suspect someone who actually uses Outlook could pick out differences, performance or otherwise, better than I. What I can tell you is that it’s pretty leisurely. Like the rest of Windows RT and Office RT, really.

But honestly, the big story here isn’t Outlook RT exactly. It’s how Outlook RT fits into Microsoft’s broader strategy. Given the release last week of Office Mobile for iPhone, we now have a better idea of how Microsoft intends to position its own mobile OSes—Windows 8 and Windows RT, of course, but also Windows Phone—against other mobile platforms that, over time, will have Microsoft Office versions of their own.

Here’s how it works.

Non-Windows platforms—iPhone and iPad now, and Android soon—will be served by a combination of Office Mobile and the web-based Office Web Apps. Office Mobile, of course, requires an Office 365 subscription of some kind, so it’s not free. And if and when we do get a version of Office for iPad, it will almost certainly be Office Mobile—i.e. very limited—or at best a very limited version of “full” Office that is more akin to Office Web Apps, functionally. This would answer the rhetorical questions I asked in Office for iPad: Yes or No?.

For Microsoft’s devices-based Windows versions—Windows RT, Windows Phone 8, and, in the near future, Windows 8 Core on mini-tablets—customers get some version of Office for free, as part of the base install. This is Office Mobile on Windows Phone 8, Office Home & Student 2013 RT on Windows RT and Office Home & Student 2013 on Windows 8 Core for mini-tablets; the latter two are “full” Office versions and a considerable differentiator over the iOS and Android competition.

For full PCs running Windows 8, customers can of course obtain Office relatively cheaply now, most notably through the Office 365 Home Premium subscription, which is $99 per family per year and provides up to 5 installs.

Put more simply, Office is better, built-in, and/or free with Windows and limited and tied to a subscription on non-Windows platforms.

In that light, adding Outlook RT to Windows RT makes a ton of sense. Devices based on this OS are not selling well, and by adding Outlook to the Office RT mix, the value proposition has exploded. I don’t happen to care about Outlook, but tons of users do. Indeed, it’s clear that the lack of Outlook on Windows RT was one of the top five complaints about the system. This inclusion will end that complaint.

And who knows? If the complaining continues, Microsoft has another secret weapon it could cart out, too: Windows RT versions of InfoPath, SkyDrive Pro, Publisher, and SharePoint Designer 2013. Of those, SkyDrive Pro is clearly the killer app generally speaking, and the one I want and need the most. But these applications, together with the rest of Office RT, could really turn the tide for Windows RT. It will be interesting to see whether Microsoft ever pulls the trigger on it.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

The new Mac Pro desktop – A powerful beast, but a fully loaded model, can easily set you back $11,000+ Tags: ,,
CNET -  June 10, 2013 11:07 AM PDT

Apple has introduced a new version of the high-end Mac Pro desktop at WWDC 2013. The updated model skips Intel's fourth generation of Core i-series processors, previously codenamed Haswell, instead sticking with pro-level Xeon processors. But it's the design of this new Mac Pro that became a conversation topic: instead of a big square box, the new Pro is a shiny black cylinder that looks like it fell off the engine of a starship.

Apple unveiled the all-new, radically designed Mac Pro computer today at the World Wide Developer's Conference today in San Francisco.

(Credit: James Martin/CNET)

Steve Jobs had a similar dream years ago in the G4 Cube, a famously minimal gleaming box that was meant to represent the future of desktop computers. The Cube was a cult favorite more than a commercial success, but the new Mac Pro feels like the clear revival of that black-box dream. Instead of cube, think cylinder.

New design, new features
In addition, the Mac Pro at long last has a new look and feel. The current tower design is one of the oldest in the Apple catalog, changing little from when it was called the Power Mac G5. Up until now, the Mac Pro has been missing USB 3.0, Thunderbolt, and other features many MacBook users take for granted.

The new model has a striking new look. The first view we saw was from the top, where the circular design reminded me of Apple's planned new UFO-like headquarters. It's actually a tall black cylinder, but much smaller than the tower it replaces, fitting into one-eighth the volume of the previous Mac Pro.

Components are built around a "central thermal core," and the specs include an Intel Xeon CPU, faster 1,866GHz RAM, and new SSD storage that's 2.5 times faster than current SSD drives. Dual AMD FirePro GPUs are supported (even though current MacBook Pros use Nvidia graphics), and the system can output to as many as three 4K resolution displays.

Why the major overhaul now? One of the reasons Apple previously felt little need to update the Mac Pro was because it appealed largely to a small but steady professional audience and didn't require a flashy iMac-style overhaul to bring in new audiences. But, in the several years since the last major Mac Pro overhaul, the computer industry has shifted dramatically away from the traditional tower-based desktop toward laptops, all-in-one desktops, tablets, and now even touch screen "tabletop PCs" such as the Lenovo Horizon 27.

Does a bold design that's decidedly hardcore fit what pros need? That remains to be seen, but the Darth Vader-ish look of the Mac Pro certainly made a lot of WWDC attendees sit up and take notice. If iMacs are Jedi, the Mac Pro is decidedly Sith.

There's no price information yet, but the new Mac Pro is expected later in 2013.

AMD Announces 5GHz FX Processor; Richland Gets Benchmarked

Jun 13, 2013 1:46 PM EST

By Michael J. Miller

AMD may be a distant second when it comes to making x86 processors for desktops and notebooks but the company has been making some exciting moves lately. This week it announced what it describes as "the world's first commercially available 5GHz CPU processor." Meanwhile, a number of sites are now reporting benchmarks on the high-end of AMD's more mainstream processors, known as Richland, that I have found quite interesting.

AMD Client Roadmap 2013

The "5GHz" chip is a new version of the company's FX processor introduced at E3 earlier this week. This model, known as AMD's FX-9590, and a 4.7GHz FX-9370 both are 8-core processors, featuring the "Piledriver" architecture in which a pair of integer CPU cores share floating point and other features. They are traditional CPUs, meaning they do not have integrated graphics, unlike the company's "accelerated processing units" (APUs), which is AMD's term for a chip with both CPU and graphics features on a single die. The reason I put "5GHz" in quotes is that this apparently the top turbo speed. Until now, the x86 processor companies typically referred mainly to the base speed of the processor, and then listed a "turbo mode." For instance, the previous high-end AMD CPU, the FX-8350 was listed at 4.0GHz, with a turbo speed of 4.2GHz. The 9590 and 9370 should be faster at least in their "Max Turbo" modes, but AMD hasn't yet announced what the base speed of these new processors will be.    

(Update: a number of sites are reporting this afternoon that AMD has confirmed the 9590 and the FX-9370 will have base speeds of 4.7 GHz and 4.4 GHz, respectively; and also that this will require 220 watts of power, a huge increase from the 125 watt TDP of the previous top-end chips. As a result, it will likely require special cooling and will probably be available mainly from specialty PC makers.)

Note that some specialized high-end processors such as the IBM Power series have already reached that 5GHz and beyond and we've seen previous PC processors overclocked to this speed and beyond, including from AMD. But this should be the first relatively mainstream processor to ship with official support for this clock speed. Clock speed is far from the only determinant of actual performance though; in general, Intel's higher-end Core chips have been outperforming AMD's but we'll have to wait to get real systems in to know for sure if that still holds.

Desktop Richland Benchmarked

At Computex last week, AMD announced new versions of its Richland APUs. Richland is meant to be a successor to the Trinity APUs and will mostly compete with the lower-priced version of Intel's fourth-generation Core processors, known as Haswell, also introduced last week. 

In my stories last week, I said I was looking forward to seeing how Haswell and Richland would compare. Since then, a number of sites have published reviews of the desktop version of Richland, usually the 4.1GHz A10-6800K and/or the 3.8GHz A10-6700. These include Anandtech, Legit Reviews, and Tom's Hardware.

The results really don't tell much of a changed story from the comparisons of the previous generations, where AMD's Trinity went up against Intel's Ivy Bridge. In most of the tests, Richland shows a small improvement over Trinity, but nothing really special. While Haswell does come in versions with twice as many graphics units, known as HD Graphics 5000 or GT3 and even some with embedded DRAM solutions known as Iris Pro graphics, these are mostly aimed at notebook designs (with the exception of one version aimed at all-in-ones).  So from Intel, the basic desktop parts still have mostly the same level of graphics as the previous generation, and the results show that as well.

Overall, Intel retains a big lead in CPU performance, even with the lower-end Core i3 and especially with the Core i7, but AMD's Richland still shows a massive lead in graphics performance, even compared with the much-more expensive Core-i7. Since on the desktop side it's pretty easy to add a discrete graphics card and a low-end discrete card seems to outperform either in graphics, this leaves Richland mostly to compete on price against a low-end Intel chip.   

The more interesting comparison will be in notebooks where Intel's CPU performance lead isn't as big as it is on desktops, but it offers chips with higher-end graphics. In the previous generation, AMD had much better graphics than notebook Ivy Bridge chips, so Intel-based notebooks aimed at gamers and graphics professionals had to have discrete chips. Clearly some of that market will continue, but Intel has gotten stronger and AMD seems to have somewhat better power management in this generation. So we'll have to see real systems going head-to-head in this market.

In the end, it's hard to see Richland making a big change to the market this year. AMD's big chance should come when it releases a new architecture, known as Kaveri, planned to start manufacturing late this year, with the first systems in early 2014. This introduces an updated CPU core architecture known as "Steamroller," which should offer an improvement in raw CPU horsepower, and what AMD is calling heterogeneous Uniform Memory Access (hUMA), which should allow the CPU and GPU units to work together more closely. 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Add a Wi-Fi hotspot to Windows 8 with Virtual Router Plus Tags: ,,

Rick Broida@justrick

  • Jun 7, 2013 12:49 PM
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Virtual Router Plus

Recently I spent a full week in a hotel, where I grudgingly paid for Wi-Fi so I could get some work done. Unfortunately, it was a per-device purchase: Only my laptop could get online. If I wanted Internet access on my phone (which had a weak indoor signal) and tablet (Wi-Fi only), I'd have to pay again. And again.

Hey, wait a minute, doesn't Windows let you set up a Wi-Fi hotspot to share its connection with other devices? It did, in Windows 7; it doesn't in Windows 8. Actually, the capability is still there, but enabling it requires some serious command-line tinkering.

Fortunately, I found Virtual Router Plus, a free utility that adds Wi-Fi hotspot capabilities to Windows 8. It works, but with a few important caveats.

First, be really careful during setup. The price of "free" here is that the installer comes packed with junk ware. It's easy enough to bypass if you pay attention, but potentially troublesome if you don't.

On the first screen, choose Custom Installation, then uncheck the box below it. When you click Next, a pop-up will appear; click Cancel. Click Next again, then clear yet another checkbox. Now you're good to go with a clean install.

When you run the program, it'll pop open a help page in your browser, which you may need to verify whether you have the required device drivers. But skip that for now; instead, try using the utility.

To do so, give your network a name (i.e. SSID), then enter a password (to keep freeloaders out). Finally, choose the connection you want to share (which is probably whatever appears as the default). Now click Start Virtual Router Plus.

After a few moments, you should be able to detect your new network from your phone, tablet, or even another PC. But don't worry: your laptop will retain its own Internet connectivity at the same time.

As I noted before, the utility worked as advertised, but it did create one problem: I could no longer connect to the various virtual private networks (VPNs) I use. Your mileage may vary, and if you don't work with VPNs, you're golden. As for me, I unfortunately had no choice but to uninstall the utility to regain access.

Want something that's a little more reliable and comes with technical support? Check out Connectify Hotspot. It's not free, but it may be more hassle-free.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Goji's Smart Lock snaps pictures, welcomes you by name


By Brian Heater posted Jun 4th, 2013 at 5:05 PM 38


Burglars of the future beware: the age of the smart lock is coming. There's no shortage of entries into the space these days -- in fact, it was just under a week ago that we spotted the lovely Yves Behar-designed August lock. Goji's (whoever heard of a company named after a fruit?) got a pretty nice looking lock of its own, one it's hoping to bring to the market with help from a $120,000 Indiegogo goal. Like August, Goji's got a sleek disk design. In the place of the green and red dots, however, you'll find blue text that greets the user by name. The lock features bank-level encryption and will send pictures of people as they enter in through the door for added security. You can unlock it using your smartphone and can send people digital keys with your mobile device. Goji's expected to hit around December for $278 -- though you can get in a bit cheaper through the aforementioned crowd funding campaign. Tags: ,

Monday, June 3, 2013

Microsoft’s IllumiRoom peripheral projector is the Xbox 720′s killer feature

Demo Video (HD)

YouTube video (HD)

IllumiRoom peripheral projection, playing a game

Microsoft has strongly hinted that the IllumiRoom augmented reality peripheral projector is linked to the next-generation Xbox 720, in much the same way that Project Natal (Kinect) was eventually linked to the Xbox 360. To celebrate, Microsoft has released a new video that showcases the awesome potential of IllumiRoom, and also a ton of details on how IllumiRoom actually works.

If you missed the original IllumiRoom unveil, let me bring you up to speed. IllumiRoom is a wide-angle projector that’s (ideally) situated on your coffee table, pointed at your big-screen TV. The current prototype has a Kinect strapped to the projector, but the final version will have a Kinect sensor built in. The built-in Kinect uses an automatic calibration process to captures the color and geometry (shape, depth) of the wall behind and furniture around your TV. Then you hook the IllumiRoom up to your next-generation Xbox (wirelessly), and watch in awe as peripheral projection takes you to new levels of game immersion.

It isn’t until you watch the video that you begin to understand just how awesome peripheral projection is. The video above was captured in real-time, and hasn’t been edited or composited in any way. What you see is really what you will get, with the Xbox 720 and IllumiRoom projector.

Using its knowledge of your living room’s colors and geometry, IllumiRoom can create a huge range of visually stunning effects. As you see in the video, IllumiRoom can boost the color saturation of your furniture (by projecting red light on a mahogany cupboard), turn your furniture black and white (by projecting desaturated colors), or outline every edge, creating a cartoony effect. IllumiRoom can also project a star field, snowflakes that gather on your shelves, or a futuristic Tron-like grid. One of the weirdest effects, called radial wobble, takes a photo of your living room, distorts it, and then projects the distorted image — so it looks like your living room is wobbling around.

IllumiRoom, turned off

IllumiRoom, turned off

IllumiRoom, increased saturation

IllumiRoom, increased saturation

IllumiRoom, desaturated (black and white, kinda)

IllumiRoom, desaturated (black and white, kind of)

The real magic takes place when games are programmed to take advantage of IllumiRoom, though. At its most basic, IllumiRoom projects the game world onto the wall/furniture, expanding your field of view; imagine sitting on the couch and having the world of Skyrim take up your entire field of view. Another option is to have IllumiRoom only display important features, such as projectiles and explosions — so instead of a shot missing you, you might see the bullet fly off to your left. Taking this one step further, IllumiRoom also makes it possible for objects — such as grenades — to roll out of the TV and onto the floor in front of your coffee table.

All of these effects can be combined — so the next Halo game might have rockets that fly into your peripheral vision, grenades that roll towards you, rain that puddles on the floor, and furniture that ripples whenever you’re struck by a plasma rifle. The same effects can also be used with non-game content; Peter Jackson could release a new version of Lord of the Rings that makes use of IllumiRoom, for example.

IllumiRoom prototype

The current IllumiRoom prototype, which now needs to be productized

All told, the Microsoft Research team that developed IllumiRoom has created 11 different effects (detailed in their research paper), and they say that a lot more are possible. They have shown IllumiRoom to 10 gamers and 15 game designers, with both groups providing “very positive feedback.” Moving forward, IllumiRoom now has to be productized — it has to be turned into a single unit, encapsulating both a projector and Kinect sensor. “Ideally, IllumiRoom would be directly integrated into a next generation console and new games would be designed for IllumiRoom from the ground up,” the research paper says.

Considering Microsoft originally unveiled IllumiRoom at Samsung’s CES keynote, we’re fairly certain that Microsoft is working with Samsung to bring IllumiRoom to market. As for whether IllumiRoom will be ready for the Xbox 720′s launch this winter, who knows. Price-wise, going by the current price of wide-angle LED projectors, we’re probably talking about a few hundred dollars, too.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

ASUS Launches PQ321 Monitor with 3840 x 2160 IGZO Display

31.5-inch 4K Ultra HD Monitor features four-times the resolution of a Full HD display for incredibly detailed and lifelike images


ASUS today announced the PQ321 True 4K UHD Monitor, a desktop display with a stunning Ultra HD 3840 x 2160 resolution that’s equivalent to four Full HD displays stacked side-by-side. The PQ321 has a 31.5-inch LED-backlit 4K Ultra HD display (140 pixels-per-inch) with 16:9 aspect ratio, and supports 10-bit RGB ‘deep color’ for vibrant images with more natural transitions between hues.

Cutting-edge IGZO panel technology

The ASUS PQ321 True 4K UHD Monitor uses cutting-edge Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide (IGZO) rather than traditional amorphous silicon for the active layer of its LCD panel. IGZO panels support much smaller transistors than amorphous silicon, which in turn gives much smaller pixels and the 3840 x 2160 resolution of the PQ321 is four times that of a 1920 x 1080 Full HD display.
176-degree wide viewing angles on both vertical and horizontal planes minimize onscreen color shift, while the 350cd/m² brightness rating and 8ms gray-to-gray response time ensure smooth, bright, and vibrant moving visuals. IGZO technology also gives reduced energy consumption compared to amorphous silicon and reduces bulk — at 35mm at its thickest point, the PQ321 is the thinnest 4K UHD monitor available today.

Comprehensive video inputs for UHD content

The ASUS PQ321 True 4K UHD Monitor features Display Port and US models offer dual-HDMI ports inputs with Picture-by-Picture support. Built-in 2W stereo speakers remove the need for additional desktop clutter and, in addition to being wall-mountable, the monitor stand offers full height, swivel, and tilt adjustment.

Monday, May 20, 2013

This 18-Year-Old's Invention Could Make Your Future Phone Instacharge

Eric Limer 5/18/13 4:58pm Saturday 4:58pm Tags: ,,,
While you are hanging out on the Internet (in your underwear, maybe?) on a Saturday, kids that are smarter than either of us are out there getting ready to change the world. 18-year-old Eesha Khare (left), for instance, not only invented a supercapacitor that could someday be a phone battery that charges in just a couple of seconds; she also won $50,000 for it. Khare is one of the three big winners from the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. She and 17-year-old Henry Lin (right)—who created a model that simulates thousands of galaxies—picked up Intel Foundation Young Scientist Awards. Meanwhile, 19-year-old Ionut Budisteanu won the Gordon E. Moore Award and $75,000 for his AI model that could lead to a cheaper self-driving car. Khare's invention is the one with some really immediate potential though, and quick-charging phones is something we all want. So far, the supercapcitor has only been tested to light up a LED, but it was able to do that wonderfully and the prototypes new format holds potential to be scaled. It's also flexible and tiny, and should be able to handle 10,000 recharge cycles, more than normal batteries by a factor of 10. It's a great step in the right direction, especially since we all know that battery life is the most important feature a phone can have. But like all supercapcitor tech, it's not exactly close to commercial development yet. But hey, if an (admittedly super smart) 18-year-old can get this stuff figured out, multi-national corporations with an even bigger cash profit incentive on the table should be able to as well, right? Hurry up already. I'll take either solution so long as one comes soon.

LG to demo 5-inch unbreakable and flexible plastic OLED panel at SID HD


By Zach Honig posted May 19th, 2013 at 11:33 PM 95

LG to demo 5inch flexible and unbreakable plastic OLED panel at SID 2013 Tags: ,,

LG's got quite a bit in store for us this week at SID's annual display exhibition in Vancouver. In addition to that 55-inch curved OLED TV we first heard about last month, the company will be demonstrating a very nifty 5-inch OLED panel. Created for mobile devices, the display is constructed of plastic, making it both flexible and unbreakable -- certainly a welcome quality when it comes to smartphone design.

Also on display will be 5- and 7-inch HD Oxide TFT panels. That first size features a bezel that's just 1mm wide, enabling a borderless frame when installed in smartphones. Both displays are lightweight and consume less power than their traditional equivalents. Finally, LG will have a 14-inch 2560x1440-pixel laptop panel on hand, along with LCDs designed for use in refrigerators and automotive dashboards.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Passwords: You're doing it wrong. Here's how to make them uncrackable. Tags: ,,

Rick Broida@justrick

For years now I've harangued relatives about their shoddy password practices. Either they use easily-hacked passwords or forget the passwords they've created—sometimes both.

If you won't take it from me, beloved family, consider this Password Day (yes, apparently it's a thing) statement from McAfee's Robert Siciliano: "74% of Internet users use the same password across multiple websites, so if a hacker gets your password, they now have access to all your accounts. Reusing passwords for email, banking, and social media accounts can lead to identity theft and financial loss."

What's the fix? It's easier than you might think. For starters, head to Intel's Password Grader to see just how easily cracked your current password is. (The site promises not to retain any information, though still recommends that you not use your actual password—so maybe just use something similar.)

From there you can scroll down to see a simple step-by-step process for making your "hackable" password "uncrackable." (There's a longer and more informative version of this info graphic on Sicilian's blog—and it doesn't require you to use the Password Grader if you'd prefer not to.)

The key takeaway here is to avoid the usual mix of letters, numbers, and punctuation you're often advised to use, and instead opt for an easier-to-remember passphrase.

So, for example, if your PC World password is something like "PCW0rldD4ve," you'd actually be better off with "I Love Reading PC World!" Sounds crazy, but as McAfee and Intel note, it's not about complexity, it's about length.

And you could adapt a similar passphrase to every other site you visit: "I Love Reading Facebook!", for example, and so on. Now you've got both diversity and simplicity in your corner. The only catch is that some sites won't allow you to use spaces, and others may limit password length.

How'd you fare on the Password Grader, and what other methods have you employed to create a hack-proof password system? I know some folks are big fans of tools like LastPass, which can auto-generate (and auto-fill) complex passwords for you. Your thoughts?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

DIY Hacks & How To’s: Get Emergency Power from a Phone Line Tags: ,,

By Jason Poel Smith

Screen Shot 2013-04-29 at 1.40.25 PM

What do you do if the power is out, but you need to charge your cell phone to make an emergency phone call? In this episode of DIY Hacks & How To’s, I show you how to tap the power flowing from your phone line.

There is a small amount of electricity that is constantly available in a phone line. This is what powers traditional corded phones. Because the phone system is independent of the power grid, the phone line generally even has power during a black out. While this is not a lot of power, it is enough to charge your small electronics such as your cell phone or other USB device. All you need is a simple voltage regulator circuit.

Complete step by step instructions can be found at:

Monday, April 29, 2013

iStarUSA WA-3FAN-120AC Cooling Fan


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Sunday, April 21, 2013

Micron 960 GB 2.5" Internal Solid State Drive

Micron 960 GB 2.5" Internal Solid State Drive - Specifications

$555.99 - $987.95 (4 stores)


Transform your system's performance. New interfaces and multitasking demands require more from your system than perhaps ever before. From connecting instantly with friends and accessing apps, websites, and playlists online, to simultaneously streaming videos and downloading files, your computer is faced with an entirely new set of performance expectations that a hard drive struggles to meet. That's where the Crucial M500 SSD comes in. With data transfer speeds that are radically faster than a hard drive, the Crucial M500 SSD isn't just a storage upgrade - it's a complete system transformation. From its nearly instantaneous boot times, powerful data transfer speeds, increased multitasking capability, and rock solid reliability, the Crucial M500 delivers dramatic performance gains - all at an affordable price.